wits, whims, and randomness

Paris’ Autumn Lure

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There’s this surreal enchantment in Paris during Autumn.

With less tourists (more in Summer/Spring) and more locals (back for work/school), you feel like you belong in the city. And with the changing colors of trees and a weather that enables you to walk around the Seine all day, then sip a cup of ‘chocolat’ or that hot red wine by the café while people-watching –autumn in Paris is just pure joy.

Add up to that autumn grace the shabby tag price when you travel in Oct/Nov -it’s always cheaper.

And being a resident of Dubai, this kind of weather is a clamor once in a while –finally getting my bushy scarves and boots out of the closet!





It’s beyond words how much I loved the charm of autumn in Paris, they say it doesn’t feel the same when you go on another season –I bet it won’t. And yes, I am nostalgic.

Author: lauriceonurscreen

writes when bored. writes when inspired.

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