wits, whims, and randomness

Bordeaux, 3 Toddlers and a Baby!

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You read it right – 4 wholly dependent tiny human beings vs 3 thriving adults on a 5-day trip around Bordeaux during the breezy cool French autumn… it’s possible! Just pack a dozen extra luggages of patience and energy, and solved!

Ok, kids look at the camera and smile!…
(not gonna happen.)

This was in the beginning of October hence the weather is still almost perfect – not too hot and not too cold, blessed with mostly sunshine and some short drizzles too. In essence, long walks are not a problem – even with toddlers – walking each day at minimum 3kms seems like a walk in the park, just don’t forget to take a break for food and snacks and all will be well.

Travelling with toddlers and an infant is not for you (as an adult) – remember that! It is impossible for you to have an adult fun – I meant relaxation and just being free to do as you please – because these toddlers will control your schedule! So if you want that kind of holiday trip – give yourself a favor and travel without youngsters, if ever possible. For the strong-willed travellers like me and my friends – kids won’t deter our travel bug even if we know it will be exhausting. You gotta do what you got to do ei!

There is beauty amidst the chaos… of travelling with toddlers, that is! Not a “walk in the park,” but fun moments to keep.

The week went by fast but luckily we were able to visit 85% of the places we planned for the little humans to enjoy around – mostly by foot but the tram is a savior for our tired legs at the end of the day. We stayed on an AirBnB apartment within the city center, around the university area for good value food deals and easy navigation.

Thinking of dining-in? Take-away and eating within your comfy space is way more relaxing tho – less death stares to thy little rascals too.
Yep, toddler-on-a-leash! That helps if you want to keep all 4 alive and safe without so much headache!
Travel with kids, they say.
It will be fun, they say… *wink
This supermama friend of mine was carrying her 10kg infant mostly throughout those 5 days of walkathon around Bordeaux. She deserves a medal!
Nope, do not expect baby-seats/baby-chairs in most French cafes and restaurants.
Gives you another good reason to have take-aways instead.
Weather was generally nice, early autumn with sunshine mostly in the day but expect some light showers here and there. Could get cold and breezy at night too.
The beauty of it all – children help you appreciate the small and simple things in life.

So you see, it is possible to travel with a bunch of little minions – just don’t expect everything will go as planned. Simply take the joy from seeing their smiles and laughter in memorable new places šŸ˜€

Author: lauriceonurscreen

writes when bored. writes when inspired.

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