wits, whims, and randomness

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My Journey to Motherhood

We all love our moms. She is the very woman who modeled for us a boundless, true love. The woman whom we know will always be there for us, until her last.

Such love was never more realized and appreciated until I became a mom. Starting the time I knew about my pregnancy, instant love for that tiny spec inside my uterus was overwhelming -it’s beyond words. A kind of love that grows greater even if it causes so much body aches, nausea, and sleeplessness. I’ll do everything to protect and keep this budding life inside me healthy and ‘happy.’


The first semester was the worst, adjusting to the surge of bodily changes and increased hormones production causing nausea and vomiting -anytime, anywhere. Every thing smells too strong for you. You seem to have a nose of a dog, smelling stuff even from a block away. I can’t go on groceries for a period, I would just puke.

Second and last trimester were better, I take bodily pains easier -like back aches and heaviness due to you growing bump. Although having disrupted sleeps due to your bump size and baby’s movements, the pregnancy glow is a miracle. At some point you just feel and look beautiful -that baby bump gives your very essence as a woman, a privilege, a blessing.

At 37 weeks and 5 days of gestation, on 8th of December 2014, I delivered a gorgeous and healthy baby boy whom we named Liam Rafael (chosen names even before he was made). It was an utter bliss.

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When I imagine the trauma and pains of labor, it was nothing compared to the joy the first time I saw my son.

This is surreal achievement of a lifetime. And I am delighted and blessed to be his mom.