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A French Secret: Charming Limoges

Have you heard of the city of Limoges before? A provincial city in the west-center of France, Limoges is a “secret” jewel destination just like its ancient crypts and tunnels.

Luckily, Limoges is now our new home as a family, my husband’s hometown. Globally marked for its créme de la créme porcelain, sumptuous Limousin beef, and birthplace of Renoir (who started as a porcelain painter), the city has so much to share in a melange of history, food and arts. Not to mention, it was also awarded a UNESCO Creative City.

Saint-Pierre-du-Queyroix Church

Saint-Pierre-du-Queyroix Church

Saint-Michel-des-Lions Church

Gare de Limoges-Bénédictins

Halles de Limoges

Place de la Republique  – view from Mercure Hotel (2015)

Vienne River – take a lovely walk between two ancient medieval bridges – Pont St. Etienne and Pont St. Martial.

Rue de la Boucherie, don’t miss the medieval church of St. Aurelien. 

The small beautiful town is concise enough for a weekend trip of exploration. If you have more days to spare, then you can venture off the outskirts for some nature trip (i.e. forest parks, lakes) and ancient castles.

The charming Limoges provides much of French culture, history and arts that make it certainly worth a visit while it is still considerably under the radar for tourism. If you need any help or guidance to maximize your visit, feel free to message me and I will be happy to help.

Bisous Xx