wits, whims, and randomness


Eating out in Limoges, France: Indulge at “Chez Alphonse”

In a 3-day visit to my husband’s hometown, we only had one chance to eat out (I must say French hospitality is impeccable and irresistible – we gorged on local foods at friends’ invitations).

And this only place we gorged in is absolutely leveled (or maybe a little more) to the home-cooked quality food and premium aged wines we’ve had at our friends’ dining tables! No wonder, this restaurant was my husband’s favorite since he was in college – a cozy and small restaurant within the old quartier of Limoges (a UNESCO world heritage), but once you get inside you know you’re in for some treat with smells that make you so hungry you want to scream out for the menu!

It was lunchtime and the restaurant was quite packed with locals –professors, students, and professionals –and like any wise travel tips say, go where the locals go and you’re in for a real-deal local food (without robbing you off with the price!). We waited a bit for a table (guaranteeing this is an “it” eatery) and as soon as we got our seats –food list to order was ready (excitedly)!

For our starter, of course we had a French Pate (duck liver and fats, yum!) –and at this restaurant, they offered it on unlimited serving! Oh I could not breathe with my maneuver of biting and chewing and biting another one while my mouth is full. Don’t blame me, it’s just sooooo gooooood (if only my husband took a photo while I was eating it)! Partnered with a freshly baked crunchy French bread and that tingly-sweet pickles, just perfect! I could stare at this picture all day.


So my husband had to remind me to stop eating pate because we had to move on to the mains we ordered: escargot (politely taken out of the shells so I can just squall at it) cooked in wine and that heavenly, divine pork liver in baked creamy potato French dish. It’s hard not to overact just describing how awesome they tasted! Red wine (shiraz) was just perfect.



And making that grand finale on our table is a puffy/spongy cake swamped in magnificent tasting cream with brittle caramel on top. I don’t need to say more with this picture.


I know that after my trip to France, I’d be craving and crying for these foods in Dubai. And now that I’m pregnant –medically disallowed of anything raw or any animal liver –all I could do is write about my gastronomic/foodgasm experience while aghast and crying for these porn foodies until I get to taste them once more…