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Review: Hotel Quirinale

When in Rome, expect outrageously priced hotels for a good looking and spacious one. We stayed in a holiday apartment on our first three days in Rome and had a lovely time there (Vaticano Apartments St. Joseph 8), but for the last day of our holiday (coming back from Amalfi), I wanted for us to try a fancy hotel in Rome for a day (because that’s just what I can afford, harhar!). Hence, we chose Hotel Quirinale. Tucked at the city center within the busy Via Nacionale and close to the Republique, this elegant hotel is really worth the price (got a good deal via hehe) vis a vis its room interior and furnishings.

Have a look of these…

Chandelier and some fancy curtains, please!

The bathroom is all white. Old-fashioned, but elegant. Btw, this is the only hotel I have been in that provides feminine wash within its toiletries! Huwaaat!

What about a garden for your breakfast view? Buon journo!

The view from our room. Better this than the traffic/road down in front of the hotel.

A member arch from Place de la Republique.

The verdict: for the price we paid, it is good enough for the experience. Should we stay again? Would gladly find another one.