wits, whims, and randomness

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Che Bello, Amalfi & Capri!

There are moments in life when a place could struck you with awe and astonishment, it seemed like fantasy. The Amalfi coast and the island of Capri give you exactly that. The beauty of the coast of Amalfi (including Positano, Ravello, and Amalfi) is almost transcendental, an unbelievable place; and the island of Capri (and the connecting Anacapri) is historically known as the Roman Emperor’s private summer island, meant for royals with an exquisite charm that warrants it… after a year in memory, I am still dumbfounded .

But there comes the question from a lot of travelers -if they have to choose from the two, which one is better and/or more worthy to stay-in longer? The answer depends on your priorities and the context of your preference.

Let me put my two pennies worth at the following criteria with my respective choices based on my experiences (category – choice – reason):

  • Accessibility – Amalfi Coast – easily reachable by train/road; you have to take a boat (normally from Sorrento) for Capri.
  • Money – Amalfi Coast – because the coast is part of the mainland, commodities are normally priced; since Capri is an island with limited resources especially for tourists, you’d expect the goods to be priced slightly higher.
  • Things to do – Amalfi Coast – Amalfi coast is a long coastline accessible by the Amalfi road which can get you around beautiful towns from Sorrento to Positano, Furore, Amalfi, Ravello, etc. Which means, you have yourself set-up for a lot of beach-bumming and exquisite old town-hopping adventures!
  • Beauty & Exquisiteness – Amalfi Coast – hands down. I have the below photos to prove it 😉 Although the island of Capri has its own charm, beauty and exquisiteness -I was more dumbfounded by the towns of the Amalfi Coast, because it offered more!

Who wouldn’t take awe of this view… ahhh, Positano

The scariest road trip, Amalfi road, makes you forget of the cliff edges with its beautiful sceneries

View of Amalfi from its port

Take a breezy boat ride across the coast of Amalfi!

The devil’s cave, the white hotel, and badgley-mischka’s mansion down there!

Lovely view of Amalfi town

Walking around the towns of Amalfi, will never get you tired.

A toddler taking a break from all these travels, at Duomo di Amalfi around the piazza

South view of Amalfi coast from the high town of Ravello

But please, visiting the Island of Capri is a MUST! Although I do not suggest staying there longer than you can stay in Amalfi, mainly for the cost and the variety/extent of things to do.

Overlooking the Faraglioni rock from Augustus garden

Finding a friend at the piazetta, after a funicular ride -lucky we came in autumn or we’d take an hour to queue and ride

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Review: Hotel Quirinale

When in Rome, expect outrageously priced hotels for a good looking and spacious one. We stayed in a holiday apartment on our first three days in Rome and had a lovely time there (Vaticano Apartments St. Joseph 8), but for the last day of our holiday (coming back from Amalfi), I wanted for us to try a fancy hotel in Rome for a day (because that’s just what I can afford, harhar!). Hence, we chose Hotel Quirinale. Tucked at the city center within the busy Via Nacionale and close to the Republique, this elegant hotel is really worth the price (got a good deal via hehe) vis a vis its room interior and furnishings.

Have a look of these…

Chandelier and some fancy curtains, please!

The bathroom is all white. Old-fashioned, but elegant. Btw, this is the only hotel I have been in that provides feminine wash within its toiletries! Huwaaat!

What about a garden for your breakfast view? Buon journo!

The view from our room. Better this than the traffic/road down in front of the hotel.

A member arch from Place de la Republique.

The verdict: for the price we paid, it is good enough for the experience. Should we stay again? Would gladly find another one.

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Fancy-schmancy at Le Train Bleu

After a long flight, short nap, and winter ‘walkathon’ around the city of lights, we had our much anticipated ‘Joyeux-Noel-feels’ finale via a fancy-schmancy Christmas dinner at the Tripadvisor-famous, Le Train Bleu restaurant.

Inside, I could not stop my mouth from gaping. The frescoes, carvings, gilding, and chandeliers… I felt like an aristocrat from the French belle epoque. No wonder they said that Coco Chanel and Brigitte Bardot were regulars at this historic monument of the 1900’s.

This place is too posh and classy I felt restricted to look at the menu and rather order one Badoit for 15minutes then leave. But since my husband is taking the bill for our Christmas dinner, my fancy-schmancy-binge-eating mode was game on!

Find this gem at Gare de Lyon train station.

I can gape and stare at its interior all day.

Fancy some French wine in red, white or pink?

Foie gras. fatty but heavenly. more of that bread, puhlees!

Smoked salmon, pickled ginger and lemon chutney.

First main course: baked scallops and mushroom risotto, urgh!

This right here is magic! Vodka on lime sorbet. Drink it like a boss and feel your stomach creating more space for more binge eating.

Some grilled chicken and preserved root veggies. Average!

A balance of tangy, bittery and sweet. Campari poppy jelly on grapefruit sorbet. Must. Make. Space. For. Finale. Dessert!…

And finally, no matter how full your stomach gets -there is always room for dessert! Dessert doesn’t go to your stomach, it goes to your heart! *wink

Meet Apollo, Le Train Bleu’s resident feline.

Just. Look. At. That!

I suggest you come here to experience the legendary place and its unparalleled 1900’s decor from 27 famous French artists of that time. The food may be overpriced but hey, the experience is priceless.

Much love. ❤ Christmas in Paris.